
How to make compost?

1/9/2023 1:46:45 PM
How to make compost?


Learn how to make your own compost at home and learn why using compost (black garden) is good for us.
One of the misconceptions about compost is that it's complicated to make, smells bad, and makes a lot of mess. All of this is true if you're doing it wrong.
Making compost in the right way is not difficult at all, it is enough to put a layer of organic waste and a layer of soil on top of each other to make a potion that will turn into humus soil (the best soil in the world) in the future.
You can use the compost produced in your flower and plant boxes or as a reinforcement layer for your lawn, give it as nutritious fertilizers to your growing vegetables and even more.


Types of composts
Before you start collecting materials for compost production, know that there are two types of compost, hot compost and cold compost.
Making cold compost is as easy as separating your plant waste and organic waste from the garbage.
Organic waste such as fruit, vegetable, coffee and tea grounds and egg shells.
and then put them in a container and let it sit for a year or so and then it will decompose. Hot compost requires more gardening skills but is faster in hot seasons between one and three months. It takes time for your compost to be ready.
These four items are needed to produce this fast compost:


At the same time, these materials feed the micro-organisms, which accelerates the decomposition of organic materials.
Vermicomposts are compost produced by worms. When the worms eat the rest of your food, they produce their own excrement, which contains nitrogen. However, you cannot use any kind of worm for this, you must use red worms. whose other name is RED WIGGLERS, let's use it to produce compost.
You can get composting creams cheaply online or at a local garden supply store.
Knowing this, you can claim that you are a full-fledged professional in this work.

What to compost?





Composting is a great way to put things in your fridge that you no longer use to good use.
In your kitchen, consider a tin bucket or even an old pot to put the materials you are going to compost into.
If you don't want to pay for your compost bin, you can make a bin yourself for outside or inside your house. You can use the following materials to produce compost.
Fruit skins, vegetable skins, coffee grounds, tea grounds, egg skins, non-edible vegetable additions, dry leaves, fully chopped wood and mulch, shredded newspaper, paper towels, sawdust, ingredients without additives.


Tips on compost production
Before adding garlic and onions to the compost, think a little because they are repellent to compost worms. The presence of these worms is important for the health of your garden.


What not to compost
Not only are these things good for your garden, but they can make your compost smell and be attractive to pets. Avoid these items to have a successful compost.
Anything that contains meat, oil or fat
_Residue of diseased plants
Soils from processed wood
Cat or dog feces
Things that contain weed seeds
_dairy products


first step
Mix the brown (materials that contain carbon) and the green (materials that contain nitrogen) together.
In order to make your own warm compost pile, it is better to have enough materials for about 90 cm deep.
You have to mix wet and green ingredients with dry and brown ingredients. Then start making your compost with green and brown items, if you see that your compost bin looks too wet and smelly add more brown and dry items and if your compost looks too brown and dry Add more green items and a little water to make it moist.




second step
Water your compost pile: Always sprinkle water on your compost pile so that it is always like a wet sponge.
Don't add too much water or the micro-organisms in too much water will drop below the limit you added and if this happens it will turn into a useless mass instead of compost. Constantly watch and monitor the temperature of your compost to make sure your materials are breaking down and composting properly.
Or you can simply stick your hand into your compost pile and you should feel the heat.




third level
Stir your compost pile.
During the composting process, you need to bring oxygen to all parts of your compost, for this, it is enough to stir your pile with a sander once a week so that air can reach all parts of it.
The best time to turn the compost is when the center is heated or when the temperature is between 54 and 65 degrees Celsius.
Disturbing the compost heap can help to settle and prepare the compost plan quickly and prevent it from smelling.
At this stage of the layers, we have reached the goal of creating a balance between the green and brown parts of the compost, so mix it completely.




The fourth stage
Feed your garden
When you get to the point where the compost is no longer producing heat and is brown, dry, and completely rotted, it's time to feed it to your garden.
Add 4 to 6 inches, 10 to 15 cm of compost to your planting bed at the beginning of each planting season.
Some gardeners make something called compost tea from their compost. This means that they let the compost sit in water for a few days and then pass it through a strainer to make homemade compost.
With just a few basic ingredients from the kitchen and a little patience, you can achieve the freshest garden you've ever had.
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