
Ventilation of button mushroom growing hall

1/4/2023 1:15:23 PM
Ventilation of button mushroom growing hall
Ventilation of button mushroom growing hall

Each mushroom breed must be placed in the best environmental conditions in order to have its ideal growth. The purpose of controlling the environmental conditions is to create a suitable condition for the mushroom and achieve the best performance. Among the environmental factors that have a significant impact on production and increasing performance is the issue of ventilation in the cultivation hall.




Cultivation hall ventilation
The so-called ventilation is often misunderstood among growers. This means that both air flow and the presence of fresh air are considered as ventilation. While these two issues are completely different. Therefore, in the ventilation of the hall, these two points should be taken into consideration, which are of great importance:



  • The flow and circulation of air in the hall and culture bed should be provided.
  • The flow of fresh air from outside to inside is possible.



air flow (circulation)
Air flow means that the air inside the closed environment is rotated and the rate of evaporation is balanced.




Fresh air flow
The flow of fresh air means that fresh air comes from outside the hall into the hall and improves the environmental conditions and increases the oxygen in the hall.





air flow
The air flow on the mushroom growth bed will increase the evaporation of water and if the air flow is not uniform, some of the beds will be too dry. If carbon dioxide increases and humidity increases, circulation is performed.




Fresh air flow
The purposes of fresh air flow in the cultivation hall are:



  • Reducing the amount of carbon dioxide
  • Increase the amount of oxygen
  • Setting the optimal temperature inside the breeding room
  • Adjust the optimal humidity inside the breeding room
If the difference between the outdoor and indoor conditions is large, the fresh air entering the indoor should be changed according to certain factors. If the air outside is very cold, heating it will make the air angry, and in this situation, it is necessary to increase the humidity of the beds at certain intervals and before the fresh air enters.





Types of ventilation systems
There are basically two types of ventilation systems, which are:



Low pressure ventilation system
In this system, air is drawn into the breeding halls by suction fans, and then fresh air enters through air intake valves. The mixing fans, which are located a little behind the air intake valve, spread and distribute the incoming air.



Advantages of this system
  • It is a relatively simple and inexpensive system.



  • It provides the possibility to adjust the air flow and the amount of fresh air entering independently.
Disadvantages of this system
  • The fresh air entering the breeding hall must be controlled and adjusted to the indoor environmental conditions. The entry of fresh cold air from outside can cause problems in mixing and conditioning the air due to the head of the incoming air and its descent.



  • If this system is used, the air in the hall is more different from the air in the hall.
  • The presence of fans inside the breeding hall causes a lot of noise and they must be turned off during mushroom harvesting, which reduces the quality of the mushrooms.






High pressure ventilation system
In this system, fresh air is drawn in through the air intake valve and then is subjected to preconditioning through the cooling unit, heater and humidifier. After this, the air enters the breeding hall and this causes high pressure. Air circulation can be adjusted at the same time as fresh air enters and by adjusting the shutters. If the fresh air valve is fully open, the air recirculation flaps will be fully closed.




Advantages of this system



  • Before entering the breeding environment, the incoming air is adjusted by adding humidity and changing its temperature appropriately, and it will not cause a problem by mixing the cold air outside with the warm air inside, because the cold air outside before preparing and adjusting the temperature It will not enter the hall (unlike the low pressure ventilation system).
  • The outlet air valve can be independently connected to a separate duct connected to the side of the inlet air temperature change unit.
  • The fans are located outside the breeding area and as a result, less noise comes into the hall.
Disadvantages of this system
  • This system is relatively expensive, and this high cost   exist s both during installation and during its use.



  • All incoming air must enter Airconditioning units, which requires high pressure.
  • The speed of air flow inside the hall is high, and some mushrooms, such as oyster mushrooms, react negatively to the high speed of air flow.




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